Time to check in on that plan to cultivate.
The third book on my reading list, The Practice and Science of Drawing, has been collecting dust. It keeps putting me to sleep. I should just skip to the next book on the list, Oil Painting Techniques and Materials, and come back to Drawing at another time.
I have been working in my sketchbook. The goal is to do something every day although that doesn’t seem to happen. No matter how much I say I will get out the sketchbook, I find myself answering email or working on whatever is on the design wall. What does work for me is to leave the house/studio and sketch somewhere else.
I was able to hook up with a sketching group at the National Western Stock Show in January, and we recently got together at the Denver Botanic Gardens. It is a little intimidating for me to sketch/paint in public, but I am getting more comfortable. I even shared my sketchbook with my BLT group.
I’ve also signed up for a couple of Craftsy online classes. I haven’t watched either video all the way through yet, but I’ve been happy with the content so far. We are to bring a painting of an apple to the first session of the collage class with, Elizabeth St. Hilaire Nelson, in September. The first class I signed up for with Craftsy is on painting with acrylic. I did pick up the materials I need to start work on my apple, but I keep eating the apple.
If only there were more hours in the day, I could sketch, paint, work in the studio, and still have time to do my volunteer work, cook, and clean. Oh, and I better not forget walking and tripping over Drew.