Taking Time to Breathe

Tiger Eyes and Spot Remover hanging at the Bas Bleu in Ft. Collins, CO.

It is amazing what a deep breath will do for your body and soul. Lately I haven’t been taking the time to really breathe. Instead I have been rushing from one hot spot to another just in time to put out the fire that is starting. Or at least that is what it feels like.

Take a deep breath. Feel your lungs inflate. Now exhale. Exhale every last bit of breath.

Since my last post there has been quite a bit of activity in the studio.

Wonderful start to students work.

The opening for Fiber Celebration in Greeley is May 1. Can you believe just how close that is? My Spot Remover and Tiger Eyes, which have been at the Bas Bleu in Ft. Collins, will be moving to Greeley for the run of Fiber Celebration 2015. This is the first show I ever entered back when all I did was needlepoint. Those first pieces were no more than 8” x 10”. Spot Remover is 36” x 60”. My how I’ve changed in the last 11 years!

Inhale. Exhale.

Mule Deer with a hitchhiker at the Refuge.

I’m not the only one who has been creating wonderful pieces in my studio. I’ve been teaching small classes on the art of portraiture. I also traveled to Albuquerque to teach a class, which was very enjoyable. There has been enough interest that I added a class at Golden Quilt Company in August and one at Lyons Quilting in September.  I will intersperse those classes with teaching in my studio for those wanting a smaller class.

Once more. Inhale. Exhale.

I am working on a new series for A Shortgrass Revival that will hang at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal Wildlife Refuge July through September. More to come about that in another post.

Inhale. Exhale out the negative in your life. Now inhale all that is good. Fill your body until you can’t hold any more.

Patty Hawkins class in Golden, CO.

I was privileged to spend three days with the wonderful and talented, not to mention most giving, Patty Hawkins and 23 artists bursting at the seams with creativity.

My work table at the Patty Hawkins class.

I was reminded just how wonderful our community of artists is. How much fun it is to be around them. How giving of themselves and their fabric, as I cruised the room looking for the deepest, darkest blues and purples from other artists’ stashes. I guess it was a modern-day take on a quilting bee.


Just breathe.

